We're back with more updates on the site! Check out the Unico related additions. Profiles, translated articles and interviews, and more!

Cover of Strawberry News featuring Unico.

March went by fast! With the recent holidays and other events happening, it’s been slow going on our end. We’ve been focusing on fully translating several interviews and other media from people involved with Unico over the years. As time goes by, a lot of information is lost and can only be found in older media (newspapers, magazines, etc.). We want to preserve all the information we can, and hope that this helps anyone out there.

But enough of that, here’s another round of updates! Not as many as previous months, but translating and editing takes a while to do.

  • Added interviews for Moribi Murano, Osamu Tezuka, Tsunemasa Hatano, Masao Maruyama, Norio Yamakawa, and a few animators from Tezuka Fans Magazine in the Articles and Interview section. Also got our hands on the special Unico issue of Strawberry News and it’s added a few translations from it. We’ll be putting the missing ones up soon!

  • Added another 1977 postcard to the Postcard section. This one features Unico jumping off a diving board. Will add another postcard soon.

  • Updated the website header with original artwork. May tweak the design a bit more.

  • Prepping more of the merchandise pages. We’ve been scanning and photographing items to share more information with you! DVDs, plushies, and a few other items. We hope to have pages up in April!

That’s about it for updates. If there is anything you’d like us to research or look into, please contact us! Right now we’re just grinding through certain areas, but always love a detour! Thank you for visiting our site and checking out the updates! To stay up to date on any news or updates, please check back often or follow our Facebook page! We try to update often.

You can also find me (Xellis) on Instagram and Twitter.
