Title: ユニコ
Translation: Unico
Publisher: Victor (VVG-11)
Released: 1980s
Format: Video High Density (VHD)
Sound: Mono
Original Price: 7,800 Yen
Shortly lived during the 80s, JVC/Victor released another video format in Japan called the Video High Density (VHD) disc. They put Unico out on VHD, but unlike its LaserDisc and VHS cousins, this format is extremely hard to find today.
The disc has two sides, and you need to flip it to view the entire film. Since the limit for each side is 60 minutes, Side 1 is 54 minutes and 29 seconds, while Side 2 is 35 minutes and 32 seconds. In order to skip through the movie to view certain parts without fast forwarding, they placed chapters every five minutes. For example, C-03 means five minutes from the beginning, C-04 is 10 minutes, C-05 is 15 minutes, and so on.
When you insert the disc into a VHD player, the player will remove the rectangular cover and leave the round disc inside to play the movie. When finished viewing, you would press eject on the player, but insert the cover to allow the player to put the disc inside for you.
Title: ユニコ 魔法の島へ
Translation: Unico to the Island of Magic
Publisher: Victor (ODG-1003)
Released: 1980s
Format: Video High Density (VHD)
Sound: Mono
Original Price: 9,800 Yen
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