Unico BellFine Figure

Unico BellFine Figure

We absolutely love and recommend this figure if you’re a collector or fan of Unico. Preorders had opened February 2022 with an estimated release date of June 2022. The release date was pushed back only a few months, and they released the enormous figure in August 2022. As of right now, this is probably one of the largest figures available of Unico.

We wrote a review that you can find here:
Review: Unico SoftB Figure by BellFine – My Unico Fans

Material: Soft vinyl
Overall Height: About 300mm (around 11.8 inches)
Prototype: Higami Nari
Coloring: Kenji Ando
Publisher: Bellfine
Target Age: 15 and up
Price: 16,280 Yen (tax included)
Release Date: The original expected date was June 2022, but it ended up being released August 2022

Unico figure

Unico BellFine Figure
Unico BellFine Figure Back

References and Sources:
– 株式会社ベルファイン (bellfine.co.jp)
– SoftB ユニコ【ユニコ】 (bellfine.co.jp)
– 手塚治虫氏による名作『ユニコ』より、ユニコが全高約300ミリのビッグサイズでベルファインの新ソフビシリーズ「SoftB(ソフビー)」から登場! – 電撃ホビーウェブ (dengeki.com)
– SoftBシリーズ: ユニコ (hlj.co.jp)
– SoftB series: Unico by Bellfine (hlj.com)
– Amazon.co.jp: ベルファイン SoftB ユニコ 全高約300mm PVC製 塗装済み 完成品 フィギュア : Hobbies