Title: 小学一年生 (Romanji: Shougaku Ichinensei)
Translation: First Grader
Publisher: Shogakukan
Original Run: April 1980 to January 1984
Demographic: Children
After Lyrica magazine’s discontinuation in March 1979, Sanrio returned all rights to the creators, allowing them to publish their works with other companies. The following year, Osamu Tezuka was back to work on Unico, but in a new format, with grade schoolers being the new audience. They published 43 known chapters during its run in the magazine.
Date | Chapter | |
1980 | ||
1980/4 | Unico Appears ユニコとうじょう | |
1980/5 | Large Cleaning with Koinobori こいのぼりで大そうじ | |
1980/6 | Pet Pride ペットじまん | |
1980/7 | Large Tadpole 大きなオタマジャクシ | |
1980/8 | Become a Firefly ほたるになろう | |
1980/9 | Ragon Has Arrived ラゴンがやってきた | |
1980/10 | Ragon’s Cavity ラゴンのむしば | |
1980/11 | The Great Athlete Meet うんどうかいで大あばれ | |
1980/12 | To the Zoo, Unico ユニコ、どうぶつえんへ | |
1981 | ||
1981/1 | The Snow Woman Has Arrived ゆき女がやってきた | |
1981/2 | Get into the Movie えいがの中へ入りこめ* | |
1981/3 | Naughty Ragon いたずらラゴン | |
1981/4 | Let’s Bloom はなをさかそう | |
1981/5 | Let’s Build a Birdhouse すばこをつくろう | |
1981/6 | The Rainy Season Has Come, Summer Has Come つゆがきたなつがきた | |
1981/7 | Continue to Fail しっぱいつずき | |
1981/8 | Great Success with Magic まほうで大かつやく | |
1981/9 | Lots of Ghosts おばけがいっぱい | |
1981/10 | Unico’s Great Success ユニコ大かつやく | |
1981/11 | Let’s Make an Anime アニメをつくろう | |
1981/12 | I Want to Eat Cake ケーキたべたいな | |
1982 | ||
1982/1 | Ragon’s New Year ラゴンのおしょうがつ | |
1982/2 | I Guess it was a Cold はやりかぜのふうたろう | |
1982/3 | Snowball Fight ゆきがっせん大会 | |
1982/4 | The Butterfly That Became Big 大きくなったチョウチョウ | |
1982/5 | Mysterious Trumpet ふしぎなラッパ | |
1982/6 | *** | |
1982/7 | The Rainy Season Goddess つゆの女神さま | |
1982/8 | Ragon’s Transformation ラゴンのへんしん | |
1982/9 | Ragon’s Fireworks ラゴンの花火 | |
1982/10 | Runaway Truck ぼうそうトラック | |
1982/11 | God of the North Wind 北風の神様* | |
1982/12 | Santa Came Too Early 早くきすぎたサンタさん | |
1983 | ||
1983/1 | Big New Year 大きなお年だま | |
1983/2 | Magic Snowmen まほうのゆきだるま | |
1983/3 | *** | |
1983/4 | What is the Original? もとはなーに | |
1983/5 | Chapter 36 – Title Unknown 第36話 | |
1983/6 | *** | |
1983/7 | Hiking ハイキング | |
1983/8 | Fishing Rod that can Catch Anything なんでもつれるつりざお | |
1983/9 | Chao Has Arrived チャオがやってきた | |
1983/10 | Looking for Advice しんげんちをさがせ | |
1983/11 | Chao Was Kidnapped さらわれたチャオ | |
1983/12 | Unusual Horn めずらしいつの | |
1984 | ||
1984/1 | Lottery ふくびき |
– Many thanks to Kurata Wataru’s research and informative website, we could match the chapters with the correct magazine issue.
– We have collected images of magazine covers from various online websites.
– Some English translations of chapters may be incorrect.
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