Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works – Osamu Tezuka Scenario Collection

From 1977 to 1997, Kodansha published almost a full library of Osamu Tezuka’s works, which included Unico. While this book does not include any comics, what’s special about it is that it’s a collection of synopsis written by Tezuka himself. Included in the book are series like Black Jack, Atom, Unico, Phoenix, and Bander.

This is the first book which published the Unico in the Island of Magic scenario, also known as “Unico and the Kingdom of the Sun.”

Title: Osamu Tezuka Scenario Collection (vol. 386)
Publisher: Kodansha
Published: 1996

100万絵地球の旅 バンダーブック シナリオOne Million-Year Trip: Bander Book Scenario
鉄腕アトム ブラックジャックの大作戦 シナリオMighty Atom (Astro Boy) – Black Jack’s Big Strategy Scenario
鉄腕アトム アトムの初恋 シナリオMighty Atom (Astro Boy) – Atom’s First Love Scenario
ユニコ 魔法の島へ シナリオUnico in the Island of Magic Scenario
火の鳥 シナリオFirebird (Phoenix) Scenario

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