Welcome back to another month of updates!
Spent some time revising various pages and articles throughout the site. Also photographed and scanned products for the Merchandise Museum, knowing that’s a highlight for many of you. Been trying to keep up with all the Unico: Awakening news and updates, and want to thank Mr. B for keeping me informed on international updates as they come about. Sometimes I’m so buried in real life stuff that I miss out on the latest news.

Before I head into the updates, just wanted to give anyone interested the heads up. Last month I posted about the Contactoons membership, which included Unico and Kimba items. They’re still accepting memberships according to their Facebook post, and also revealed what the packaging for the DVD set would look like.
You can use that previous post I made to help navigate the CONTACTOONS website to get a membership.
Also! The latest Kickstarter update mentioned that PDFs of Unico: Awakening will be released soon for those who backed the English-version. You can also read about the Japanese-language translation delay and other news from Samuel Sattin in that post as well.
And now for the updates!

- Added a 2015 appearance for both Unico and Chao profiles. The two are in a report manga for the Takarazuka Walker magazine drawn by Keiichi Tanaka. They created the manga intending to advertise and attract people to the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum.
— Added a 1983 Asobi no Kuni (Land of Play) magazine appearance for Unico. While the magazine features mostly Sanrio related games, Unico appears on the cover and a few pages of the interior to help advertise products and the second movie.
— Also added 2024 Unico: Awakening info on a few character pages for those appearing in the latest series. Although it hasn’t been released, I figured it’d be a nice placeholder.

- Added a portion to The Sphinxes in Unico article I wrote back in January 2023, which now features a bit of information on the sphinxes in Unico: Awakening. While I haven’t read the comic yet, I wanted to put a bit of information about the mother and daughter. When the book is released, I’ll update the article again.
- Added international release information for Unico: Awakening on the Publications page. There are currently the Dutch, French, and Italian versions. I’ve provided ISBN, pricing, and more information for these. I have a placeholder for the Portuguese version, but will update with more information as it becomes available.
- Added Unico: Awakening information for the French and Italian language pages. This is to help those looking for all information about that language’s version of Unico.
- I’ve made several placeholders for other books featuring information or art of Unico in the Other Unico Related Publications page. In the next few weeks, I’ll be adding more books and actual pages with information. It takes a bit to gather and organize everything, but I feel sharing these books will be important for those wanting to learn more about Unico.

- Added an Omake section to the Merchandise Museum. This will be the area for all the extras (gifts/freebies) given out over the years from various companies. Since these items don’t fit into a specific category but are unique in their own right, I figured it’d be time to make a special page. You’ll find interesting items given out to help promote the manga, films, and more. Lots of older Sanrio goodies on this page. Currently, there’s a 70s Sanrio Unico Ring and Key, 1979 Strawberry News Animation Notebook, 80s Sanrio Unico on Wheels (no idea what to call it), and movie stills.
- Added more photos in the VHD section for Unico in the Island of Magic. Now you’ll be able to see the front and back cover of the case, and also the disk case.
- Added an 80s My Unico Metal Pencil Case to the Pencils, Pens, Stamps page.

- I added another photo of the Unico Planter to the Garden Items section. It’ll be at the bottom of the page where you can see a front shot of the Unico part of the planter. I’m assuming the actual pot part broke at some point.
- Added another bag to the Unico bag section. It’s a small 80s Mini My Unico Purse, which you’ll find right after the cosmetic/travel bag. While I don’t know too much about it, I’m guessing is probably from 1984 to 1985 by the style, but I could be wrong. Either way, it’s cute and super 80s.
- Added a poster in the Decoration section for the UK release of Unico. I’m not as knowledgeable about the UK release, only knowing that the VHS and Beta tapes were not around long, which makes them hard to find. It’s still fun to see advertisements and other items though!
- Since there were new figures from KAIEDA released this month, I’ve updated the KAIEDA/dune figure page.

Thanks for checking out the updates! If there is anything you’d like me to research or look into, please contact me! I hope you enjoy visiting. To stay up to date on any news or updates, please check back often, join our newsletter or follow our Facebook page! I do monthly updates on the last day of the month, so definitely stop by!
You can also find me (Xellis) on Instagram and Twitter.
※ A quick reminder for those visiting this site. I’m a fan of Osamu Tezuka’s work and focus on the Unico series. I enjoy researching and sharing information, but I won’t upload any full comics, movies, soundtracks, or similar content. You will only find information and news on this site, but never hesitate to contact us if you’re looking for something specific that I may help you with.