During Osamu Tezuka’s 90th Anniversary, 18 issues of Tezu Comi Magazine were published. Each issue featured artwork and manga from several artists, as well as chapters from Osamu Tezuka’s original manga. Issue 8 of Tezu Comi featured the Prologue chapter of the original Unico series along with a character medal. The character medal featured Unico on the face, and Unico and his mother on the back.

Title: テヅコミ vol.8
Translation: Tezu Comi Vol. 8
Original Creator: Osamu Tezuka
Cover Artwork: Yoshihisa Tokimaru
Publisher: Micro Magazine
Pages: 392
Release Date: May 15, 2019
ISBN: 978-4896377781
Overseas Guest Artists: “Mina’s Song” (Original: Apollo’s Song) Luis NCT
“Isekai Black Jack” (Original: Black Jack) Yoshihisa Tokimaru
“Search and Destroy” (Original: Dororo) Kaneko Atsushi
“New Testament: Knight of the Ribbon” (Original: Knight of the Ribbon) Martial Arts Hall [Mikado Muramasa, Miyamoto Roba, Hamamura and Toshikiri]
“HeiSei: Nanashiki Inko” (Original: Nanashiki Inko) Atsuko Ishida”The Tale of Kyoju” (Original: Vampire) Bokutengou”Ayako” (Original: Kiko) Rin Kube
“Captive Eden Prime Rose” (Original: Prime Rose) Soichiro
“Mamoru-kun” (Original: Magma Ambassador) Shiriagari Hisashi
“Alice in Osamuland” Kentaro Ueno
“Gurugurugyun” Shigun Alsen
“Wada Radio’s Firebird” (Original: Firebird) Wada Radio
“Beard Series” Sansuke Yamada
“Chocoto Dracula” (Original: Don Dracula) Enokizu■
Serialized novels:
“Blue Ribbon and Silver Hair” (Original: Knight of the Ribbon)
Novel: Furuse Kaze
Illustration: Ringo Takanashi
Dialogue project:
“Lala’s Tea Room” (original story: ‘Lala’s Tea Room’)
Rumiko Tezuka
Illustration by Tsunogai
“What the God of Manga Taught Me.” Takafumi Horie
Every issue republishes Osamu Tezuka’s masterpiece in B5 big size!
Episode 1 from Atom Cat “The Birth of Atom Cat”
“Pinoko Returns!” from Black Jack
“Prologue” from UNICO
– テヅコミ特設サイト
– テヅコミ vol.8
– Amazon.co.jp: テヅコミ Vol.8 : テヅコミ編集部: Japanese Books